Twenty Nine: A Year Unfiltered

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Hello friends, family, and readers...

As some of you know, after turning 29 I decided to take a one-year hiatus from all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc). This was a decision that I had pondered and prayed over for many months. Living a life where I was constantly glued to my phone and spending hours a day scrolling through images of other people's lives (and an embarrassing amount of cat videos) was just no longer was serving my personal growth or goals for the future.

Being someone who absolutely loves staying connected with friends and who equally loves taking photos are sharing my experiences, this was a hard decision to make. However, I know that the benefits will highly outweigh the costs when I can instead enjoy this next year of my life connecting deeply with my own soul and having even deeper connections with loved ones by having more face-to-face interactions.

While I will be absent for the coming year on social media, I will still be making entries here on my blog to chronicle my adventures, thoughts, and plans for the future. I will also be focusing more on my offline writing but will still be writing new blog entries on topics that bring upon inspiration in the coming year. These posts will be shared on The Girl in Motion's Facebook page here. Please keep in touch with me at and check in here each month to see what kind of trouble I have been up to!


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