So glad you have stumbled upon my blog. My name is Mandi and I like to live my life in motion. I consider myself to be a free spirit with a roaming soul and I wanted to create a platform to share my thoughts on the regular. I also happen to be a starving post-college graduate who cannot afford graduate school so I am counting on you to be my greatest teachers, editors and mentors. No pressure.
From here on out you will find this site blooming with topics such as health, music, books, movies, food, causes, as well as interviews with geniuses in these fields. Yes. Geniuses. Until then I have decided to share with you a few recent photos I took I celebrate my entry into the quarter-century club. I am so thrilled to be 25. I can't wait to see what it will bring and I hope you will join me on the journey.
"A dreamer is a person whose life is in motion." - Bruce Wilkinson The Dream Giver
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