When the Slipper Doesn't Fit

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It all began with Drizella.

Yeah, you might not know who she is because I didn’t either until we became “friends” over a decade ago, but she changed my life forever. 

When I was accepted into the Disney College Program and had passed my character performer audition, that was all the information I had as I boarded a plane and flew to Orlando for the very first time ever. I of course sat on that plane dreaming that I might finally get to be a princess. Wear a pretty dress...smile and wave..make magic.

A few days after my arrival, a few others and I were picked up and taken to Disney costuming for our "fitting." This was the moment. Here's what I came for. This was the moment magic was made fo...wait, what?

Cinderella's evil step sister.

Now, being a lover of Disney and all things magical from the moment I was born, you can imagine it was tough for me to help bring a villain to life. Finding ways to interact with children without scaring the socks off them took quite a bit of creativity and improvisation. I had no idea how those skills would end up being a beating passion of mine in years to come. And one I have had to try multiple times to find the right place for. 

A place that I always felt I could practice my magical creativity was, yes you guessed it, Disney. First it was entertainment, then attractions, then custodial guest services. But after completing several months in custodial, handing out thousands of stickers, creating magical moments, and dirting up my “whites” by kneeling down and talking to kiddos every chance I could get, I realized that I am not making the MOST of Drizella. Because y'all, she doesn’t belong in a castle. And that glass slipper was not meant for her.  

Like I said, this gal taught me SO much about myself. New ways to interact with the world around me, how to treat everyone equal, even if I could not speak their language. She helped me be a better nanny, teacher, and a positive friend to myself when I felt like the world hated me. 

The most recent lesson she taught me was that I could walk around a castle, handing out those stickers, cleaning up the popcorn, and making guests happy...or I could do more.

So it is with deepest (bittersweet) pride, and greatest pleasure that I tell you I have hung up my ears once again. Drizella has helped show me that my talents are not meant to be sweeping up around a castle. There are kiddos in my community who need 1:1 attention and encouragement.

Having worked with an autistic client and with the autistic community now for two years, I have accepted the fact that working for Disney is just a glass slipper that doesn't fit for me right now. Drizella's talents are not being fully utilized, Mandi's talents are not being fully utilized and subconsciously that was sending me into a very dark place.

After 40 hours of gruelling, but extremely educational training, tomorrow I get to start working with kiddos on the spectrum. Kiddos who will thrive with my comfort of being silly, getting dirty, being patient, and getting creative with them! Unfortunately, I won't get to wear my ball gown, my Jungle Skipper attire, or my custodial whites, it will be just me.


And all the skills my sweet, beautiful, and underestimated step sister taught me.

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