5 Easy Ways to Help Our Earth, Our Animals, and Humanity

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Happy Earth Day everyone!

The first time I remember even learning about Earth Day was my freshman year of college in 2006. I went to a liberal arts college in the Pacific Northwest so between the compost bins, endless petitions to end all plastic bags, and the rallies against styrofoam cups in the cafeteria, everyday felt like Earth Day! 

Of course, scraping by as a poor college student, there wasn't much I felt like I could do because, well, being earth conscious can sometimes be expensive and time consuming. Over time I learned to make little changes that have now become very normal, probably to a lot of us. Things like using reusable shopping bags, reusable water bottles, and shopping for locally grown, organic produce. 

However, this has been a really rough past 12 months on all of us and the pandemic has left our wallets feeling lighter than ever. Even as a person who is extremely passionate about conservation and wildlife, I felt myself using my finances (or lack there of) as an excuse for some pretty wasteful habits. When I was blessed to move back to the west coast again a few months ago, my presence of bad habits got a good kick in the groin. 

Being near the ocean again has reignited my passions and reminded me that every little thing we do to protect our fellow humans, our animals, and this beautiful rock that we live on, truly will make a difference in the long run.  

So in honor of Earth Day 2021, here are some easy ways to change up your daily life a bit to do something good for our Mother Earth, who is truly a mother who always gives back. 

1. Get yourself on a "Buy Nothing" Facebook group in your area. 

The Buy Nothing Project began in 2013 and is now active in over 44 nations. Basically, it is a platform specific for the neighborhood that you live in where you can share something you would otherwise throw in the trash to see if anyone near you would like it, for free! I have seen everything from baby items, to food, to dining room tables, to party supplies. I personally have scored a ton of clothes, fresh produce from people going out of town, and even a FitBit! I absolutely love this group because rather than just throwing something away that is still useful, it goes to a new home and stays out of the landfill. Also, it creates a great sense of community. It is a daily reminder to me of humanity and our innate desire to share our resources. Check out their website to learn more and sign up! 

2. Reuse your glass containers and old clothes.

I love salsa. I also love pasta and all kinds of pasta sauce. These are two items that commonly come in glass jars and while in the past I was good to remember to wash them out before sticking them in the recycle bin, I have started to save them instead! Their sticky labels come off easily with warm water and soap and your "new" glass jars work great for storing leftovers, dry grains, or heck, use it for a fun art project! Old clothing can be used in the same way. Just a few weeks ago I was doing dishes at my aunt's house and I reached under the cabinet for a dish towel and pulled out men's underwear! After a good laugh, my aunt explained that they were an old pair of my cousin's that were clean but too small so now they are a rag! Maybe using old undies is too farfetched for you but old socks and t-shirts also work great as cleaning rags and it saves you from buying something new that simply doesn't need to look pretty anyway. 

3. Be good to your bum, and our earth!

A friend at work recently shared with me about a company called Who Gives a Crap. They are an earth conscious company producing toilet paper made out of 100% recycled material or bamboo! Not only are their prices extremely comparable to grocery store prices, it gets delivered straight to your door so you don't have to experience that awkward feeling of pushing a massive load of toilet paper around in your shopping cart leaving everyone to wonder, "Does that person ever leave the bathroom?" Best yet, Who Gives a Crap donates 50% of their profit to building toilets in underserved areas around the world. They believe that access to a safe and dignified "loo" is a basic human right, and that proper toilets help stop the spread of disease and sickness. As someone who has been in many "loos" around the world, I 100% agree with that. We all go, so why not switch to a company that is not only making your bathroom time better but also making our world a better place! Check out their website here

4. Try to ditch the meat. C'mon just try it!

I know some of you reading this right now are thinking, "Oh no, now she is going to try and get me to go vegan or something." Hear me out. Almost two years ago I decided to try the whole "vegan thing" and stuck with it pretty well for about 5 months. As winter set in, I needed my comfort food and started to eat cheese and other dairy products again in moderation. I did, and have, however stayed away from meat. I will admit that it is not always easy but I have felt better about my energy levels and overall health than I ever have. The meat and dairy industry rely on massive amounts of water and create tons of waste and gas emissions in shipping methods. Choosing a plant-based diet is proven to help fight off cancers and maintain a healthy weight. If you are an athlete and are concerned about not getting enough protein, I encourage you to check out the film "The Game Changers," which you can watch here on YouTube for free. Thousands of athletes, actors, and everyday people are switching to plant-based products and an overall diet that are better for the earth, your wallet, and your waistline. 

5. Skip the shopping mall, head to the zoo.

We have all been stuck inside this past year and I think a lot of us are ready to get out and play! Choosing to visit a zoo or aquarium versus an expensive trip to Target for a new toy for your kids leads to consuming less things and consuming more knowledge. Many zoo's and aquariums are non-profit, which means by you and your family getting out from behind your screens, you are contributing to conservation and research that helps our planet's most magnificent creatures and ecosystems. Spending your time in a zoo, aquarium, or animal rehab center can also lead to a renewed passion for our earth and may plant a seed in your little one's brains to remember that everything as small as choosing to recycle, turn off lights, and shut off the water faucet when brushing their teeth are all things that help polar bears, dolphins, and elephants live longer and healthier lives!

So there you have it! On this Earth Day celebrate the things you already do to make our world a healthier place and think about the ways we can do even more. There is always more to be done. To finish off this post I will let Sir David Attenborough do what he does best; Advocate for our people, animals, and all life on this beautiful place we get to call home. 

Let's love on Mother Earth a little extra this year!

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